Cepot Patel Paper Model is Back

Hello Paper Model Lovers and Crafters, Cepot Patel is Back

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Hello, paper model lovers and crafters! It feels great to be back.

You might be wondering what happened with my old blog. Well, long story short, I can no longer afford custom domain and hosting to share my paper models, so I have to move my blog to this new blog (which is a freebie). However, I guess it's not the end of the world or an utterly bad thing. I've had a couple of blogger blogs, so using this platform again is more like back to basic to me.

I'll tidy up this place a bit and re-post my old paper model projects here (like my RoboCop and Gatotkaca Minion paper model).

For starter, to get "into the groove" after being away from any paper craft activity for quite a while, I'll try something easy. I'm currently working on this Batmobile paper model. This Batmobile is from The New Batman Adventures (animated series). It's in unfolding stage. After I finish test-building it, I'll definitely share the model here.

paper model of batmobile from the new batman adventures

So, stay tuned.
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