(Injustice: Gods among Us) Batman Paper Model

Batman (“Injustice: Gods among Us” Version) Paper Model Template/Plan Download

Download the free template of Batman papercraft (from Injustice: Gods among Us). Build your own paper model.
injustice batman papercraft by cepot patel

Here comes another Batman paper model/papercraft. Following the character figure and Batmobile from the animated series, I expand my collection with Batman from the fighting game Injustice: Gods among Us. I never played the game myself but I’ve seen some gameplay videos of it and the move when Batman “calls” his Batmobile to smash his opponent, that’s badass. Other than that, I also quite liked the Batsuit and probably that’s the main reason I finally decided to design and build this model.

Batman (Injustice: Gods among Us) is the second paper model/papercraft figurine I design after my RoboCop model. Both are more or less similar. Not overly difficult to build although I wouldn’t call it very easy either. If you have built similar figurine paper models before, you would find it pretty standard.

I hope you enjoy this Batman paper model/papercraft and I will see you in the next one.

Preview Pictures of Batman (Injustice: Gods among Us) Paper Model

Here are some photos of Batman papercraft. This is the version of Batman from the game Injustice: Gods among Us Click the picture to view in original size

injustice gods among us batman paper model papercraft of batman from injustice gods among us download papercraft of injustice - batman
paper model template download batman injustice papercraft template of batman injustice batman injustice papercraft download

Details of (Injustice: Gods among Us) Batman Papercraft

Below is the details of Injustice: Gods among Us Batman papercraft. Model Dimension: 30cm x 14cm x 6.2cm
Number of Parts: 242 parts
Number of Pages: 7 pages of A4-sized paper

Document License

This paper model is available for free.

Distribution/sharing of this paper model at any sites, blogs, or social media is allowed on condition that the link points to this page. Please do not use direct link to the file hosting site.

Please do not re-upload the plan/template file(s) to other hosting site(s).

(Injustice: Gods among Us) Batman Paper Model Template

Use the links below to download the template/plan of Batman (Injustice: Gods among Us) papercraft/paper model. You can download the papercraft template/plan in PDF or PDO file type. To easily print it you may use the PDF file. However, you will still need the PDO file as the reference in building the model.

To open the PDF file you can use PDF reader software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

To open the PDO file, you will need Pepakura Viewer version 4. Since version 4, Pepakura Viewer is included in Pepakura Designer installer.